In the laws of physics, opposites are attracted to each other, yet in the case of the two quintessential colours – white and black – something even greater happens. Together, these two colours create a fantastic aura, a symbol of ethereal and timeless elegance.
Shadow and light, candour and mystery, day and night – these are just some of the emotions and feelings that white and black can incite. Turati Boiseries pays homage to these two «worlds» by creating one-of-a-kind solutions that redefine the concept of classmode.
Living rooms, sitting rooms, kitchens and bathrooms rediscover a new style thanks to design Made in Turati: the brilliance of white is compensated by that attractive austerity of black, and the result is simply breathtaking… Every aspect of the boiserie and wainscoting and every piece of furniture comes together to create a timeless balance, where white ends, blacks steps in, and vice versa, much like yin and yang, where opposites wonderfully complement each other.
The classic style of the Turati boiserie combines perfection with bold chromatic elements from classmode, while black & white interiors retain their own personality and subjectivity, almost coming to life, at times black prevails, at other moments, it is white that steps forth, depending on those who live and experience the abode, and those who experience these fantastic feelings.
The tailor-made artisan craftsmanship behind these boiserie is further enhanced by the wonderful dichotomy of black on white details, adding a more daring touch to the interior décor and sophistication.
Thanks to this bold combination of black-and-white, Turati Boiseries adds a new concept to its artisan history by bringing together, on the one hand, the need to exalt such a priceless material that wood offers, and on the other hand, the will to put classmode at the heart of the project – this is a style looking out towards tomorrow, yet also inspired by the classical taste, which has always defined the masterpieces created by Turati.